I've officially been using the Amazing Grass Green Superfood powder for over a week and I could sing from the mountaintops about how happy I am with it! My face is clear for the first time in my entire life and I am completely amazed. I haven't had clear skin since I was a preteen, probably around 11 years old. I have tried everything to clear my skin. I've tried expensive washes and cleansing systems, antibiotics, topical prescription creams, and basically everything short of Accutane because I just wasn't comfortable with it at all and nothing has ever worked! I am also drinking green monsters or green juice every morning and getting a ton of Vitamin A in those (according to myfitnesspal, I'm taking in around 700% of my daily Vitamin A recommendations), which is probably also helping. I also take Cod Liver Oil and a daily multivitamin which have Vitamins A & D in them and even those havent helped. I'm going to say that eating raw, fresh produce and the Amazing Grass powder have been the main things to help my skin.

I also have tons of energy and have been consistently hitting my 10,000 steps per day goals every day since I started. I've been walking and running and playing basketball with J every day and it's been so wonderful!! I feel amazing for the first time in a really long time.  I think that this journey, to me, is more about focusing on health rather than the number on the scale.  As a relatively educated person when it comes to the food industry, I don't want to be a person that loads up on 100 calorie pre-packaged snacks and starves my way to a lower number on the scale.  I vow to listen to my body and give it what it needs rather than deprive myself. 

I've gotten three friends started with it just since I started a week ago.  I truly believe in this stuff!  And, no, I was not paid or compensated in any way to write this review.  These opinions are my own and were not prompted by anything other than my feelings toward the product.  Amazing Grass has no knowledge of this post or the contents [although, if they were to see it and send me some free product, I absolutely wouldn't complain]. 

I have a post coming soon about motivation and the new challenge I'm taking on!  

Until next time,

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    January 2013
    December 2012

    Future Skinny 

    Hey y'all!  My name is Heather.  I'm a 20-something mom to two boys and wife to an amazing husband.  I'm trying to lose the weight once and for all in 2013.  Will you join me?



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